The RENEW Wisconsin Energy Fund is pleased to present Legislative Leadership Awards to State Representatives Katrina Shankland and Greta Neubauer who have a long history of supporting renewable energy and authored numerous bills in the 2019-2020 legislative session designed to improve Wisconsin’s renewable energy future.
Both legislators have also participated in the Clean Energy Legislative Academy, a national forum designed to help state legislators build alliances across the aisle. At the Academy legislators learn about energy issues and develop strategies for implementing bipartisan clean-energy policy. After the event Rep. Katrina Shankland said she believes that even in politically divided Wisconsin, it could happen: “The economics of clean energy are incredibly fantastic…My goal is to get a Republican to join me.”
Thank you for your outstanding leadership and support for Wisconsin’s clean energy future!!
Representative Greta Neubauer, 66th Assembly District (D-Racine) Member of the Assembly Committee on Environment as well as the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change. Introduced a four-bill package called “Forward on Climate.” Member of National Caucus of Environmental Legislators. In college, she led a campus campaign addressing climate change and went on to co-found the Fossil Fuel Divestment Student Network before running for office. Author of:
Assembly Bill 765 Requiring a study relating to green banks;
Assembly Bill 766 Evaluating the social cost of carbon emissions;
Assembly Bill 270 Create the Wisconsin Renewable Energy Development Authority to participate in and guarantee certain energy-related loans, implement other energy-related programs (Coauthored with Rep. Shankland).
Representative Katrina Shankland, Assembly District 71 (D-Stevens Point) Member of the Assembly Committee on Environment, Vice Chair of Speaker’s Water Quality Task Force, Former Training Network Coordinator of the Midwest Solar Training Network at the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA). She is a member of the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators and was the first Wisconsin legislator to attend the Clean Energy Legislative Academy. Author of:
Assembly Bill 270 Create the Wisconsin Renewable Energy Development Authority to participate in and guarantee certain energy-related loans, implement other energy-related programs;
Assembly Bill 765 Requiring a study relating to green banks (Coauthored with Rep. Neubauer);
Assembly Bill 766 Evaluating the social cost of carbon emissions (Coauthored with Rep. Neubauer);
Coauthored and helped pass Assembly Bill 237 through the Assembly Committee on Workforce Development as ranking member to provide reimbursement grants to employers for payment of costs for worker certification programs in solar energy and wind energy systems.
Previously, Rep. Shankland has introduced legislation to triple the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard and advance net metering, create a legislative task force on clean energy, implement a value of solar tariff, and require the state to study battery storage.
